June 2, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon was given for a worship service that included the sacrament of communion. It compares the words of Jesus, “This is my blood of the new covenant that is shed for many for the remission of sins,” to the events connected with the sealing of the Old Covenant as recorded in Exodus 24. To…
May 26, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon is a follow-up to last week’s message, which presented evidence from Scripture concerning the problems all humans have with sin and the sinful nature. Because of our problem, we cannot have a relationship with God. But God provided a remedy through the death of Christ and the blessing of the Holy Spirit. To…
May 19, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is a sermon based on various passages of Scripture that relates to the fact that all people are separated from God due to the inherited problem of sin we share. God desires for every one of us to be in fellowship and communion with Him, but our sinfulness prevents it. To read excerpts of…
May 12, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This message was given on Mother’s Day and it is based on the thought found in Proverbs 31:28, “her children rise up and bless her.” The sermon discusses the various uses in Scripture for the word “bless,” and then presents some practical ways that husbands and children can bless the wife/mother in the home. If…
April 21, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon, given on Easter Sunday, is based upon the phrase, “Death is swallowed up in victory,” which is found in 1 Corinthians 15:54. The message emphasizes the fact that the resurrection is not merely a momentary victory, but it is a permanent victory because of the implications of the wording Paul uses in this…
April 14, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is a sermon that was given during a Palm Sunday service in which the sacrament of communion was celebrated. It focuses on the words found in 1 Cor. 15:26 where the Apostle states that we proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes. The message speaks about how this phrase relates to the actual words…
April 7, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon is based on Hebrews 12:2-3 and explores the reasons why Christians are urged to keep their focus on Jesus while going through life. We receive encouragement by remembering three main things about Jesus: what He went through, who He is, and He is always with us. To read excerpts of this sermon, click…
March 31, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is a sermon based on Hebrews 12:2 in which the author urges believers to look unto Jesus for encouragement in running the spiritual race that is set before them. The message includes four different qualities found in the life of Christ and urges hearers to seek to imitate Jesus in their lives. To read…
March 24, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon comes from 1 Samuel 15 regarding the story of Saul’s battle against the Amalekites in which he spared the best of the animals to bring back and sacrifice to God. Samuel rebukes him by telling him that sacrifices cannot take the place of obedience to God’s commands. The message suggests some of the…
March 10, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon is based on the words of Psalm 36:7 in which the Psalmist declares that God’s lovingkindness is precious. The message begins by giving a definition and a description of the word “precious,” then presents various reasons why God’s love is so precious. To read excerpts of this sermon, click here.