March 3, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is a sermon that was based on 1 Corinthians 11:26 where Paul declares that we proclaim the Lord’s death every time we share the sacrament of communion. This message explores the idea of making a proclamation regarding the death of Jesus Christ by sharing the emblems of communion. To read excerpts of this message,…
February 24, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is a message based on Exodus 33:16 where Moses asks the Lord, “What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” He asks this question to support his request for God’s special divine presence to accompany them as they travel toward Canaan. It is…
February 17, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon is based on Psalm 34. It speaks about the praise that King David gives to the Lord in the times of dark trials and his review of the benefits God has provided. Then David issues an invitation for others to discover God’s wonderful benefits like he has found. To read excerpts of this…
February 10, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is the fourth and final message in a short series of sermons regarding the three main purposes or priorities of the church. This sermon speaks about the “Outward Priority” of spreading the kingdom of God over all the earth. The sermon asks, “Who should go?” “Why should they go?” and “How should they go?”…
February 3, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon is the third message in a series of messages that speak about the three main purposes or priorities of the church. Today’s message continues discussing the “Inward Priority” of edifying, nurturing and caring for other members in the body of Christ, by using verses in the New Testament that speak about believers’ behavior…
January 27, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon is the second sermon in a series of messages about the main purposes or priorities of the church. This message discusses the “Inward Priority” of the church, which is to nurture, edify and care for other members of the body of Christ. It is based on several passages in the New Testament that…
January 13, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This message is based on several passages of Scripture and emphasizes the primary mission of the church and all Christian believers – to glorify God. The sermon strives to show that giving praise, adoration, honor and glory to God should be highest priority before we attempt to do anything else for God. This sermon is…
January 6, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is a sermon that was given in a worship service that included the sacrament of communion. It is based on a phrase found in Galatians 5:11 in which the Apostle Paul writes about the offense of the cross. The message attempts to explain what the offense of the cross involves and makes application for…
December 30, 2018 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon is based on words found in the prophecy of Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, and recorded in Luke 1:68, 78. The message explores the meaning and significance of God visiting the human race through the incarnation of Jesus Christ. To read excerpts of this sermon, click here.
December 9, 2018 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is a sermon that was preached on the second Sunday of Advent on the theme of Love. It is based on Romans 5:5 in which the theme of love is directly connected to the subject of hope, which was the theme of last week’s sermon. The Apostle Paul emphasizes the fact that adversity ultimately…