

A Father’s Awesome Privilege

This is a sermon given for Father’s Day that emphasizes the privilege fathers (and all parents) have in teaching their children the ways that God has performed miracles and provided daily needs for His people, so that the children will grow up trusting in the Lord themselves. Written excerpts of this message can be read…

When My Cry Was Heard

This is a sermon that was given with the purpose of providing encouragement to those who are going through trials and tribulations in their lives. It is based on Ps. 3:4 (NKJV) I cried to the LORD with my voice, And He heard me from His holy hill. The audio recording of the message is…

Power for What?

This sermon was given in recognition of Pentecost Sunday and is based on Acts 1:8. It emphasizes the power for witnessing that is imparted to believers when they are filled with the Holy Spirit. Witnessing not only involves verbal testimony but also righteous conduct as well. To read excerpts of this message, click here.

The Work Is Done

This is a sermon that was given during a worship service in which the sacrament of communion was celebrated. It is based on the words of Jesus as He hung on the cross, “It is finished.” The message focuses on the various things Jesus stated He came into the world to do, and how He…

Love Your Neighbor

This is a sermon that is based on Matthew 22:39 in which Jesus describes the 2nd greatest commandment as “love your neighbor as yourself.” The sermon attempts to explain what it means to love others as ourselves, and how love for God is inevitably linked to our love for others. The audio recording of this…

Loving God

This message is based on Matthew 22:37-38 in which Jesus defines the “Greatest Commandment.” The sermon attempts to describe what all is involved in truly loving God and the remedy for any obstacles that hinder such love. The audio recording of this message is not available due to technical difficulties. Written excerpts of the message…

What Do We Do Now?

This is a sermon that focuses on the actions of the disciples following the resurrection of Jesus. When the disciples decide to go fishing is it a sign that they are going back to their former occupation, or is there another meaning with a lesson for us? If you wish to read excerpts of the…

He’s Not Here, But

This is a sermon that was preached on Resurrection Sunday. It emphasizes some of the similarities in the messages given by the angels at the empty tomb and the angels at the Mount of Olives when Jesus ascended into heaven. The message of hope is, “You will see Him again!” To read excerpts of this…

The Lamb Is Approved

This is the sixth message in a series of sermons given during Lent in which details of the Passover in the Old Testament are compared to the events surrounding the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our salvation. This message speaks about the Passover lamb that was brought into the household and watched for 4 days…

Repent, Obey, and Celebrate

This is the fifth message in a series of sermons given during Lent in which details of the Passover in the Old Testament are compared to the events surrounding the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our salvation. This sermon discusses the topic of Passover as recorded in the OT books of history and poetry. It…