March 11, 2018 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is the fourth message in a series of sermons given during Lent in which details of the Passover in the Old Testament are compared to the events surrounding the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our salvation. This sermon discusses the topic of atonement, emphasizing the fact that God chose Passover as the day His…
March 4, 2018 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is the third message in a series of sermons given during Lent in which details of the Passover in the Old Testament are compared to the events surrounding the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our salvation. This sermon was given for a regular observance of Communion and discusses the new meaning Jesus gives to…
February 25, 2018 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is the second message in a series of sermons given during Lent in which details of the Passover in the Old Testament are compared to the events surrounding the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our salvation. This sermon discusses the idea of redemption in the original Passover event, in the ongoing requirements of redeeming…
February 18, 2018 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is the first message in a series of sermons presented during the Lenten season in which details about the Passover in the Old Testament are viewed in relation to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for our salvation. This message talks about the ways God announces His deliverance and personally participates in…
February 4, 2018 // Rev. Kenton Shaw
Rev. Shaw filled the pulpit while Pastor Les was away. The message was about the coming of Jesus to Rapture the Church.
January 28, 2018 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is a sermon based on Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones (Ez. 37:1-14) and Paul’s warning to Timothy that in the “last days” people would have a form of godliness but no power (2 Tim. 3:5). The message emphasizes the need for the Holy Spirit’s presence and how to obtain it. To…
January 21, 2018 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon was given on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and it emphasizes the biblical truth that all humans are created in the image of God and therefore sacred. An attempt is made to define what the image of God is and the reason why it is so important for a Christian view of life….
January 14, 2018 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon discusses the deliverance of the Israelites from bondage in Egypt then it makes applications to living our lives in faith each day as we face a New Year and an uncertain future. To read excerpts of this message, click here.
January 7, 2018 // Pastor Les Rowan
This message was given for a worship service that included the sacrament of communion. It is based on the prophecy of Zech. 13:1 and it applies the wording of the prophet to the sacrifice of redemption provided by Jesus Christ. If you wish to read excerpts of this message, click here.
December 31, 2017 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon was given on the last day of the year 2017, and it focuses on trusting God to demonstrate His divine power to do something new in our lives that will bring us closer to Him and will glorify Him. To read excerpts of this message click here.