December 3, 2017 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon was given during Advent and it discusses the words of Simeon that were spoken when he saw the baby Jesus in the temple as he was being presented by Joseph and Mary. The message emphasizes the necessity for every one of us to see Jesus as our only salvation. To read excerpts of…
November 26, 2017 // Rev. Chet Rowan
Rev. Chester Rowan, twin brother of Pastor Les Rowan, shares his personal testimony of recovery from alcoholism and commitment to Christ as his personal Savior.
November 19, 2017 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon, given during a communion service, discusses the different people who are reported as being at the cross when Jesus was crucified and making applications for our own responses to His sacrifice on the cross. To read excerpts of this message, click here.
November 12, 2017 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is the final message in a series of sermons on the book of 2 Peter. The message focuses on 2 Peter 3:10-18 and emphasizes Peter’s admonition for how believers should live in light of the coming “Day of the Lord.” To read excerpts of this sermon click here.
November 5, 2017 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is the eighth sermon in a series of messages on 2nd Peter. This message is based on 3:1-9 and it speaks about the judgment and mercy of God. Peter explains to his readers that judgment is surely coming in the future, and the only reason it hasn’t happened yet is due to the mercy…
October 29, 2017 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is the seventh sermon in a series of messages on the book of 2 Peter. This message covers chapter two and discusses the issue of heresy and error growing within the church. The Apostle Peter talks about the characteristics of the false teachers as well as their coming judgment, just like the false prophets…
October 22, 2017 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is the sixth sermon in a series of messages on the book of 2 Peter. In this message covering 2 Peter 1:12-21, Pastor Les talks about the Apostle Peter’s desire to accurately and faithfully communicate God’s message to his readers. He also stresses the divine authorship included in their message. Written excerpts of the…
October 15, 2017 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is the fifth sermon in a series of messages on the book of 2 Peter. This sermon discusses verses 8-11 of the first chapter in which the Apostle Peter stresses that the lives of the readers should be thriving and growing if they take advantage of the privileges God has provided to them. To…
September 24, 2017 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is the fourth sermon in a series of messages on the book of 2 Peter. This message continues to discuss the list of qualities given in 2 Peter 1:5-7 that believers are urged to develop in their life of faith. The qualities covered in this sermon include godliness, brotherly kindness and charity or love….
September 17, 2017 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is the third sermon in a series of messages on 2 Peter and is based on 2 Peter 1:6. This message focuses on the next two traits that should be evident in the life of a growing Christian – temperance and patience. To read excerpts of the sermon, click here.