December 1, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is a sermon given on the first Sunday of Advent this year. It uses Isaiah 9:6 as the main text to talk about the various names or titles that were ascribed to Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Names were always significant in eastern cultures, especially in biblical times. Each name provides an additional…
November 24, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon discusses the OT book of Nehemiah, chapter 12, where the writer makes reference to “thanksgiving choirs” that were utilized in the celebration when the rebuilt wall around Jerusalem was dedicated. The sermon provides some contextual details and then points out four observations from the passage and applies them to our responsibility to join…
November 17, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon is based on Psalms 103 and expresses the appropriateness of giving praise to the Lord at all times, but especially during the season when our nation recognizes a national day of Thanksgiving. In the Psalm, David provides an appeal for personal praise; a sampling of God’s attributes; and an exhortation for universal praise….
November 10, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon is based on the parable told by Jesus in Matthew 13, Mark 4 and Luke 8 about the four kinds of soil upon which the seed of the Word has fallen. The message uses the interpretation Jesus provided regarding each of the soils and applies them to the present day. Emphasis was given…
November 3, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
In recognition of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, this sermon was given based on 2 Timothy 3:12, “All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” The message emphasizes the fact that suffering for the name of Christ was a normal expectation for first century Christians and for…
October 27, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon is based on Psalms 77 in which the author describes a time in his life when he felt alone and abandoned by God. Even memories of past blessings raise more questions about why the present circumstances are so different. However, focusing his thoughts on what is revealed about God’s character and miracles for…
October 13, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon uses the account of Jesus Christ’s temptation in the wilderness as recorded in Luke 4 to describe what the Spirit-led life involves. While the Bible clearly urges believers to be “Spirit-filled,” that usually gives a little different connotation than to be “Spirit-led.” In Christ’s example, we learn that the Spirit sometimes leads us…
October 6, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This is a sermon that was preached for a worship service in which the sacrament of communion was shared. It is based on Colossians 1:6, 21-22 and discusses the benefits of Christ’s death on the cross. His death seemed to be a tragedy at the time by His closest disciples and followers, but was proven…
September 29, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon attempts to explore several issues regarding the Holy Bible, God’s special revelation to humanity. It addresses the topics of reliability, authority, and effectiveness. It is hoped that this message will help the listener/reader to be strengthened in his or her faith in the Word of God as recorded by men who were miraculously…
September 22, 2019 // Pastor Les Rowan
This sermon is the ninth and final message in a series of sermons on the New Testament book of James. The sermon speaks about the topics of patience, prayer, and restoration in the believer’s quest to reach the final goal – eternity with Christ. To read excerpts of this message, click here. An outline that…