Three Priorities of the Church

How Shall They Hear?

This is the fourth and final message in a short series of sermons regarding the three main purposes or priorities of the church. This sermon speaks about the “Outward Priority” of spreading the kingdom of God over all the earth. The sermon asks, “Who should go?” “Why should they go?” and “How should they go?”…

Body Life – II

This sermon is the third message in a series of messages that speak about the three main purposes or priorities of the church. Today’s message continues discussing the “Inward Priority” of edifying, nurturing and caring for other members in the body of Christ, by using verses in the New Testament that speak about believers’ behavior…

Body Life

This sermon is the second sermon in a series of messages about the main purposes or priorities of the church. This message discusses the “Inward Priority” of the church, which is to nurture, edify and care for other members of the body of Christ. It is based on several passages in the New Testament that…

Number One Priority

This message is based on several passages of Scripture and emphasizes the primary mission of the church and all Christian believers – to glorify God. The sermon strives to show that giving praise, adoration, honor and glory to God should be highest priority before we attempt to do anything else for God. This sermon is…