
Tag: adoration

Will Stones Speak for You?

This sermon focused on the passage of Scripture in Luke 19:40 “… if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out.” The message provides a look at other passages in which stones were used to convey important messages, then addresses the possible meanings Jesus had in mind by making the statement. A video…

The King of Glory

This is a sermon that was recorded with no congregation present because of the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on public gatherings. The message is based on Ps. 24:7-10 and is applied to the Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday. There is no audio recording for this message, but a video recording of the entire service can…

Thanksgiving Choirs

This sermon discusses the OT book of Nehemiah, chapter 12, where the writer makes reference to “thanksgiving choirs” that were utilized in the celebration when the rebuilt wall around Jerusalem was dedicated. The sermon provides some contextual details and then points out four observations from the passage and applies them to our responsibility to join…

A Hymn of Praise

This sermon is based on Psalms 103 and expresses the appropriateness of giving praise to the Lord at all times, but especially during the season when our nation recognizes a national day of Thanksgiving. In the Psalm, David provides an appeal for personal praise; a sampling of God’s attributes; and an exhortation for universal praise….

Oh Taste and See

This sermon is based on Psalm 34. It speaks about the praise that King David gives to the Lord in the times of dark trials and his review of the benefits God has provided. Then David issues an invitation for others to discover God’s wonderful benefits like he has found. To read excerpts of this…

Number One Priority

This message is based on several passages of Scripture and emphasizes the primary mission of the church and all Christian believers – to glorify God. The sermon strives to show that giving praise, adoration, honor and glory to God should be highest priority before we attempt to do anything else for God. This sermon is…

How Does One Worship – Part 2

This is the fourth sermon in a series of messages on the theme of worship. This message continues discussing how we should worship the Lord. We not only need to worship Him in spirit and in truth (previous sermon), but we should worship with our words and with our conduct.

How Does One Worship? – Part 1

This is the third sermon in a series of messages on the topic of worship. This message begins to discuss some of the key descriptions of authentic worship. Real genuine worship must be offered in spirit and in truth. To read excerpts of this message, click here.

Why Worship?

This sermon is the second one in a series of messages on worship. This message focuses on the motivations and reasons for worshiping God. We worship God to reveal the motives for our faith. We worship to reveal and exalt the true character of God. And we worship in order to refocus on eternal realities rather…

What Is Worship?

This is a sermon that attempts to define worship and how it applies to us and our relationship with God. It describes some of the attributes of worship and corrects some misconceptions of worship. To read excerpts of the sermon, click here.