
Tag: conversion

God Has Visited His People

This sermon is based on words found in the prophecy of Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, and recorded in Luke 1:68, 78. The message explores the meaning and significance of God visiting the human race through the incarnation of Jesus Christ. To read excerpts of this sermon, click here.

Redemption: Sinners’ Smartest Option – Part 2

This is the sixth sermon in a series of messages on the topic of redemption. This message focuses on the work that God does in the heart of the believer when the conditions for faith have been fulfilled. To view written excerpts of this message click here.

Redemption: Sinners’ Smartest Option – Part 1

This is the fifth sermon in a series of messages on the topic of redemption. This message focuses on the decisions that individuals must make in order to appropriate the redemption that Christ has provided. To view written excerpts of this message please click here.

The Signs of Conversion

This sermon discusses baptism, communion and transformation as being three of the signs regarding conversion.