
Tag: Holy Spirit

Eyes to See His Salvation

This is a brief message that was recorded and uploaded to our church’s YouTube channel due to the illness of Pastor Les and some other church leaders. It is based on the account in Luke 2 about Joseph and Mary taking Jesus to the temple where Simeon declares that he has seen God’s salvation and…

The Spirit-Led Life

This sermon uses the account of Jesus Christ’s temptation in the wilderness as recorded in Luke 4 to describe what the Spirit-led life involves. While the Bible clearly urges believers to be “Spirit-filled,” that usually gives a little different connotation than to be “Spirit-led.” In Christ’s example, we learn that the Spirit sometimes leads us…

The Divine Distinctive

This is a message based on Exodus 33:16 where Moses asks the Lord, “What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” He asks this question to support his request for God’s special divine presence to accompany them as they travel toward Canaan. It is…

Power for What?

This sermon was given in recognition of Pentecost Sunday and is based on Acts 1:8. It emphasizes the power for witnessing that is imparted to believers when they are filled with the Holy Spirit. Witnessing not only involves verbal testimony but also righteous conduct as well. To read excerpts of this message, click here.

Bone Dry and Empty

This is a sermon based on Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones (Ez. 37:1-14) and Paul’s warning to Timothy that in the “last days” people would have a form of godliness but no power (2 Tim. 3:5). The message emphasizes the need for the Holy Spirit’s presence and how to obtain it. To…

How Does One Worship? – Part 1

This is the third sermon in a series of messages on the topic of worship. This message begins to discuss some of the key descriptions of authentic worship. Real genuine worship must be offered in spirit and in truth. To read excerpts of this message, click here.

Heaven on Earth

This is a sermon that explores the fact that we don’t have to wait until we get to heaven in order to sense God’s holy presence because we can have His Spirit within us. It also speaks about the need for God’s people to live so that the darkness around us is overcome by heaven’s influence…

This Is the Way

This is a message based on Isaiah 30:21 and it emphasizes our need for guidance from the Lord.

The Comforter Has Come

This sermon was preached by Pastor Les on May 15, 2016. It focuses on the role of the Holy Spirit in the world and among believers.