
Tag: joy

John, Jesus and Joy

This sermon is the first in a series of messages through the New Testament book of First John. This message begins by providing limited background the Apostle John, who is the author, and the rise of false teachers, which is the occasion for the letter. The remainder of the message focuses on John’s description of…

Myths and Mysteries – Happiness

(Due to technical problems, there is no audio recording of this sermon.) This message is part one of a mini series of sermons on misconceptions that Christians have about the teaching of the Bible. This sermon speaks about the “myth” that many Christians believe, which goes like this: “God wants His children to be happy,…

The Valley of Tears

This message is based on Ps. 84:6 and discusses how some individuals are able to find ways to change times of sorrow into seasons of rejoicing. To read excerpts of this message click here.

Walking through Sorrow into Joy

This message takes a look at the sorrow Jesus experienced through the final days and weeks of his earthly ministry and relates it to the text in Heb. 12:2 which speaks about the “joy that was set before him.” In the Lenten season, this message attempts to encourage believers to follow in the steps of…

Eating with Gladness

This sermon speaks about the joy and gladness that was present in the New Testament church, especially as they shared the emblems of the Lord’s Supper. You may read written excerpts of the sermon by clicking here.

Rejoicing Always

This is a sermon that was given on Thanksgiving Communion Sunday and it is based on 1 Thessalonians 5:16, “Rejoice Evermore.” It emphasizes the importance of being thankful and “doing joy” even when circumstances are less than favorable. To read a more complete text of this message go here.