
Tag: judgment

Godly Discernment

This is the seventh sermon in a series of messages through the New Testament book of First John. The sermon examines verses 1-6 of chapter four and covers the theme of discernment as the Apostle John urges his readers to test every spirit to see if they are of God. Spiritual or godly discernment is a necessary…

The Word on Salvation – Part I

This is a sermon that summarizes some basic principles about the plan of salvation as presented in the Bible. The pastor follows an outline that has been attributed to the thinking and messages of John Wesley, the “Father of Methodism.” This sermon emphasizes the two principles: All people must be saved, and all people may…

Reconciled to God

This is a sermon based on Romans 5:10 that was given for a worship service in which we celebrated the sacrament of Communion. The message talks about our state of hostility with God because of our sin, and the reconciliation provided through the death of Jesus Christ for each one. Due to technical problems, the…

Judgment and Mercy

This is the eighth sermon in a series of messages on 2nd Peter. This message is based on 3:1-9 and it speaks about the judgment and mercy of God. Peter explains to his readers that judgment is surely coming in the future, and the only reason it hasn’t happened yet is due to the mercy…

The Great Separation

This is the fifth sermon in a series of messages on the Kingdom of God. This message references the parables of the Kingdom of God in which Jesus describes the separation that will take place between the tares and the wheat; the good and bad fish; and the wise and foolish virgins. Written excerpts of…