
Tag: Lenten Season

Born to Die

This sermon was on the theme of self-denial in observance of the season of Lent. It was based on John 12:24 “… unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone…” The message focused on the example of Jesus as He steadily walked toward the cross, and on His call…

Anatomy of a Denial

This is a sermon that was preached on Palm Sunday. It emphasizes the factors that precipitated Peter’s denial of the Lord while Jesus was on trial at the home of the high priest. It provides helpful insights for us to avoid Peter’s failure. Written excerpts of the message can be read by clicking here.

The Path to Revival

This is a sermon that was given during the Lenten season to motivate prayer and interest in personal and corporate spiritual revival. The message was based upon several different passages of Scripture that emphasize revival. To read excerpts of the message click here.

The Still Small Voice

This is a sermon that was given during the Lenten Season to emphasize the importance of being quiet and still enough to hear God’s “still small voice” that is mentioned in 1 Kings 19:12. You can read excerpts of the sermon by clicking here.

Walking through Sorrow into Joy

This message takes a look at the sorrow Jesus experienced through the final days and weeks of his earthly ministry and relates it to the text in Heb. 12:2 which speaks about the “joy that was set before him.” In the Lenten season, this message attempts to encourage believers to follow in the steps of…