
Tag: peace

The Serenity of Trust

This sermon was preached on July 25, 2021 based on Psalms 125. It emphasizes the kind of peace and serenity characteristic of those who trust in the Lord. This is a message of encouragement and comfort in times of upheaval, conflict and disturbance. A video recording of the worship service in which this sermon was…

Antidote to Fear

This sermon uses several passages from the Bible to address fear stemming from various circumstances and attempts to remind listeners that God has provided grace and assurance sufficient to remove our fears and give us confidence and victory in each situation. A video recording of the worship service in which this sermon was given can…

Worthwhile Pursuits

This is a sermon based on Hebrews 12:14 which commands believers to pursue peace with all men and holiness. This message explores the meaning of the command and how it is achieved. Those who desire to watch the video of the worship service in which this sermon was presented may click here. Those who wish to…