
Tag: reconciliation

The Blood that Speaks

This sermon is based on Hebrews 12:24, which mentions that the blood of sprinkling “speaks better things than that of Abel.” This message was provided for a worship service in which the Sacrament of Communion was administered following the sermon. It discusses what it means to say that the blood speaks of better things. To…

A Fruitful Death

This is a sermon that was preached for a worship service in which the sacrament of communion was shared. It is based on Colossians 1:6, 21-22 and discusses the benefits of Christ’s death on the cross. His death seemed to be a tragedy at the time by His closest disciples and followers, but was proven…

Reconciled to God

This is a sermon based on Romans 5:10 that was given for a worship service in which we celebrated the sacrament of Communion. The message talks about our state of hostility with God because of our sin, and the reconciliation provided through the death of Jesus Christ for each one. Due to technical problems, the…