
Tag: Redemption

Behold the Lamb

This is a sermon that was given in the worship service in which the sacrament of communion was shared. It is based on the words of John the Baptist recorded in John 1:29, “Behold, the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world.” After describing the circumstances surrounding the proclamation, the sermon…

His Face Was Set

This is a sermon that was based on Luke 9:51, 53 which describes Jesus’ determination to go to Jerusalem in spite of all the opposition and eventual crucifixion He would be facing at Jerusalem. The message was accompanied with the sacrament of communion. Written excerpts of the sermon can be viewed here.

Jesus Is Our Advocate

This is the third sermon in a series of messages through the New Testament book of First John. This message is based on 1 Jn. 2:1-11 and focuses on the implications of the fact that Jesus Christ is our Advocate. This passage of Scripture describes the ministry of our Advocate as well as the consequences…

I Will Come Again

There is no audio recording for this message, but a video recording can be viewed on YouTube here. The service was conducted in our church parking lot because of the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on public gatherings. Attendees were able to hear the speaking and music via FM radio in their individual vehicles. This sermon was…

A Remembrance

This is a short Good Friday Communion meditation that was recorded on video. No congregation was present because of restrictions on public gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore “participants” were instructed beforehand to prepare the bread and the cup at home prior to watching the video. The short meditation was based on the words…

A Fruitful Death

This is a sermon that was preached for a worship service in which the sacrament of communion was shared. It is based on Colossians 1:6, 21-22 and discusses the benefits of Christ’s death on the cross. His death seemed to be a tragedy at the time by His closest disciples and followers, but was proven…

Our Problem Has a Remedy

This sermon is a follow-up to last week’s message, which presented evidence from Scripture concerning the problems all humans have with sin and the sinful nature. Because of our problem, we cannot have a relationship with God. But God provided a remedy through the death of Christ and the blessing of the Holy Spirit. To…

Till He Comes

This is a sermon that was given during a Palm Sunday service in which the sacrament of communion was celebrated. It focuses on the words found in 1 Cor. 15:26 where the Apostle states that we proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes. The message speaks about how this phrase relates to the actual words…

God Has Visited His People

This sermon is based on words found in the prophecy of Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, and recorded in Luke 1:68, 78. The message explores the meaning and significance of God visiting the human race through the incarnation of Jesus Christ. To read excerpts of this sermon, click here.

The Work Is Done

This is a sermon that was given during a worship service in which the sacrament of communion was celebrated. It is based on the words of Jesus as He hung on the cross, “It is finished.” The message focuses on the various things Jesus stated He came into the world to do, and how He…