Tag: Redemption

Redemption: Sinners’ Smartest Option – Part 1

This is the fifth sermon in a series of messages on the topic of redemption. This message focuses on the decisions that individuals must make in order to appropriate the redemption that Christ has provided. To view written excerpts of this message please click here.

Redemption: God’s Wisest Plan – Part 2

This is the fourth sermon in a series of messages on the topic of redemption. This message emphasizes the life and atonement of Jesus Christ, as well as the future redemption of all creation from the effects of the Fall. An extensive written excerpt of the message can be found here.

Redemption: God’s Wisest Plan – Part 1

This is the third sermon in a series of messages on the topic of Redemption. Pastor Les talks about redemption being planned before creation, and how the Old Testament shows shadows and types relating to redemption.

Redemption: Man’s Greatest Need

This is the second sermon in a series of messages on the topic of Redemption. This message discusses the problem of sin as man’s greatest need for redemption.

Redemption: Heaven’s Sweetest Song

This is the first sermon in a series of messages on the topic of Redemption. This message is an introduction of the topic and finishes by emphasizing the text found in Rev. 5:9.