
Tag: resurrection

A Burning Heart

This is a sermon that was given on Easter Sunday. It focuses on the Scripture in Luke 24:32, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” The message describes the events of this passage and makes application for believers today….

God Is Not Dead

There is no audio recording for this message, but a video recording can be viewed on YouTube here. The service was conducted in our church parking lot because of the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on public gatherings. Attendees were able to hear the speaking and music via FM radio in their individual vehicles. The sermon continues…

Resurrection Power

This is a sermon that was given on Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020. The service was conducted in our church parking lot because of the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on public gatherings. Attendees were able to hear the speaking and music via FM radio in their individual vehicles. The Easter message is based on the…

A Permanent Victory

This sermon, given on Easter Sunday, is based upon the phrase, “Death is swallowed up in victory,” which is found in 1 Corinthians 15:54. The message emphasizes the fact that the resurrection is not merely a momentary victory, but it is a permanent victory because of the implications of the wording Paul uses in this…

Till He Comes

This is a sermon that was given during a Palm Sunday service in which the sacrament of communion was celebrated. It focuses on the words found in 1 Cor. 15:26 where the Apostle states that we proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes. The message speaks about how this phrase relates to the actual words…

What Do We Do Now?

This is a sermon that focuses on the actions of the disciples following the resurrection of Jesus. When the disciples decide to go fishing is it a sign that they are going back to their former occupation, or is there another meaning with a lesson for us? If you wish to read excerpts of the…

He’s Not Here, But

This is a sermon that was preached on Resurrection Sunday. It emphasizes some of the similarities in the messages given by the angels at the empty tomb and the angels at the Mount of Olives when Jesus ascended into heaven. The message of hope is, “You will see Him again!” To read excerpts of this…

Because He Lives

This is an Easter message that emphasizes some of the benefits we have because of the resurrection that are explained in various passages of Scripture. To read excerpts of the message, click here.