
Tag: Sanctification

The Cleansing Blood

This sermon was preached for a worship service in which the sacrament of communion was shared at the close of the service. The sermon uses a number of Scriptures to emphasize the cleansing from sin that is provided through the blood of Jesus Christ. The message speaks about the corruption of sin, the cleansing of…

Children of God – Part 1

This is the fifth sermon in a series of messages covering the New Testament book of First John. This sermon covers the first nine verses of chapter three and describes the awesome privilege of being a child of God as well as several characteristics of being a child of God. Written excerpts of this sermon…

Our Problem Has a Remedy

This sermon is a follow-up to last week’s message, which presented evidence from Scripture concerning the problems all humans have with sin and the sinful nature. Because of our problem, we cannot have a relationship with God. But God provided a remedy through the death of Christ and the blessing of the Holy Spirit. To…

Conformed or Transformed

This is a sermon that is based on Romans 12:2 and it speaks about the need for Christians to avoid the typical thought patterns and philosophies of the world and be truly Christian in our minds. To read excerpts of this message, click here.

The Word on Salvation – Part II

The sermon is the conclusion of a message started last week concerning the biblical message of salvation. This segment talks about the assurance of salvation and the full extent of salvation. The speaker continues to follow an outline that comes from the preaching and teaching of John Wesley. To read excerpts of the message, click…

Loving God

This message is based on Matthew 22:37-38 in which Jesus defines the “Greatest Commandment.” The sermon attempts to describe what all is involved in truly loving God and the remedy for any obstacles that hinder such love. The audio recording of this message is not available due to technical difficulties. Written excerpts of the message…

Redemption: Sinners’ Smartest Option – Part 2

This is the sixth sermon in a series of messages on the topic of redemption. This message focuses on the work that God does in the heart of the believer when the conditions for faith have been fulfilled. To view written excerpts of this message click here.