
Tag: spiritual warfare

The Spirit-Led Life

This sermon uses the account of Jesus Christ’s temptation in the wilderness as recorded in Luke 4 to describe what the Spirit-led life involves. While the Bible clearly urges believers to be “Spirit-filled,” that usually gives a little different connotation than to be “Spirit-led.” In Christ’s example, we learn that the Spirit sometimes leads us…

Myths and Mysteries – Prayer

This is the fourth message in a series of sermons discussing some of the common misconceptions Christians hold that are not supported by an accurate understanding of the Scripture. This sermon talks about the “myth” that we can use prayer to manipulate God into doing our wishes if we just make sure we use the…

The King from another World

This is the second sermon in a series of messages on the kingdom of God. This message uses the words of Jesus in John 18:36, “My kingdom is not of this world” to emphasize the differences between the values and way of functioning in the kingdoms of this world vs. the values and way of operating in the…

Long Live the King

This sermon is the beginning of a series of messages on the Kingdom of God. It introduces the series by providing some Old Testament background for the kingdom of God, Jesus’ emphasis on the message and some basic qualities of the kingdom of God.

Kingdoms In Conflict

This sermon uses John 18:36 as the basis for showing that Christ’s Kingdom is at odds with the kingdoms of this world. This message was given in observance of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, in anticipation of the national presidential election in the U.S. and in respect for Veterans Day. To read…

Prayer of a Persecuted Saint

This is a sermon based on Psalm 86. It looks at the prayer of King David and uses it as a pattern for our own prayers. A more extensive written text of this sermon is available here.

Rules of Combat

This was a sermon preached on Memorial Day Sunday, May 29, 2016 by Rev. Chester Rowan. The themes of military combat and spiritual warfare were the focus of this message.